Selamat malam buddies,
Sejuk kan sekarang, mata pun asyik feeling feeling je. Ngantuk derr! Rase cam tak nak bangun langsung tinggalkan katil bantal semuaaa.
Nasib baik esok dah start cuti. Boleh yeah yeah yeah atas katil. Sigh! Kalau tidak, menages lah nak ban gun pagi g kelassss. Jawabnye, memang tak ke keels lah kale cuaca sejuk sejuk cmni.
Den gar citer, ade certain area Johor dah Banjir ek skg? Harap bersabar ye.
Madam kelakar lak update pakai iPad. Kekok giler dehhh. Okie ahh, saje je testing. Heeeeee.
Jom tidoooooo..
Sunday, January 30, 2011
Musim Sejuk aka Banjir ;
Posted by
Sunday, January 30, 2011
Musim Sejuk aka Banjir ;
2011|skinny's life|

skinny's life
Sunday, January 16, 2011
Be As Busy As A Bee ;
LOL! Kononnya sekarang me sangat busy okie. Sumpah penat sangat! Hope worth it lah ape yang me buat sekarang nie. Still in learning process. Take time to master what I am doing now. Seriously nervous okie. Haha. Redah je lah kannnnn. :)
Blog pun tak berupdate dah. So pity my blog! Traffic pon tak hebat seperti dulu. So sorry my lovely blog. I have to-do-something that maybe I can change my life ever.
Okie, bye.
Regards ♥,
LOL! Kononnya sekarang me sangat busy okie. Sumpah penat sangat! Hope worth it lah ape yang me buat sekarang nie. Still in learning process. Take time to master what I am doing now. Seriously nervous okie. Haha. Redah je lah kannnnn. :)
Blog pun tak berupdate dah. So pity my blog! Traffic pon tak hebat seperti dulu. So sorry my lovely blog. I have to-do-something that maybe I can change my life ever.
My boy!
Okie, bye.
Regards ♥,
Posted by
Sunday, January 16, 2011
Be As Busy As A Bee ;
busy|college life|skinny's life|zac efron|

college life,
skinny's life,
zac efron
Monday, January 10, 2011
Tolong Jangan Ingatkan Aku ;
Tsk! Tsk! Tsk! Pppfftttttttttttt.
Bikin panas ahh. Bikin kontroversi je kann. But still jangan ingatkan aku pasal #AJL25 this year. Buang karan je tengok. Haha. Kenape bukan FT yang menang huh??? Kenape? Kenape? Huh! Frust abes nie.
Okie, Ana Raffali bukan salah awak. Well, it's just unexpected result. No worries. Yang penting awak dapat RM35k girl! Superb. RM35k bolot sorang je tau, sebab tade kena bagi dengan composer or lyricist. Terbaekkkk. :)
Lupe kan semua itu.
Cube bayangkan kalau aku yang dapat RM35k tuh. Esok gak aku g shopping. Beli handset baru weyh. Itu penting tuh. Beli new wardrobe! Terjah semua butik yang ade kat kl nie. Tak pun pegi hollyday maa. Duit berkepok kepok. Pe lagi, round the world lah kan. Tapi tade lah the world sangat. Round satu Malaysia pun would be nice. Berangan je lah keje aku. Muahaha. That's only IF. So, selamat malam dan jom hanyut bersama dalam mimpi-mimpi indah. Wink!
Okie, bye.
Regards ♥,
Semua frust giler dengan #AJL25 kan? Macam eh ape nie, betul ke main-main. But that the result. Ana Raffali menang #AJL25 dengan lagu Tolong Ingatkan Aku. Semua macam bajet yang menang Yuna or Faizal Tahir kan. Sober abes weyhhh. FT tak menang. Punye ahh bawak masuk prop air bagai kann. FT deserve lah #AJL25. Haishhh. Tapi tuh ahh rezeki masing masing.
Bikin panas ahh. Bikin kontroversi je kann. But still jangan ingatkan aku pasal #AJL25 this year. Buang karan je tengok. Haha. Kenape bukan FT yang menang huh??? Kenape? Kenape? Huh! Frust abes nie.
Okie, Ana Raffali bukan salah awak. Well, it's just unexpected result. No worries. Yang penting awak dapat RM35k girl! Superb. RM35k bolot sorang je tau, sebab tade kena bagi dengan composer or lyricist. Terbaekkkk. :)
Lupe kan semua itu.
Cube bayangkan kalau aku yang dapat RM35k tuh. Esok gak aku g shopping. Beli handset baru weyh. Itu penting tuh. Beli new wardrobe! Terjah semua butik yang ade kat kl nie. Tak pun pegi hollyday maa. Duit berkepok kepok. Pe lagi, round the world lah kan. Tapi tade lah the world sangat. Round satu Malaysia pun would be nice. Berangan je lah keje aku. Muahaha. That's only IF. So, selamat malam dan jom hanyut bersama dalam mimpi-mimpi indah. Wink!
Okie, bye.
Regards ♥,
Posted by
Monday, January 10, 2011
Tolong Jangan Ingatkan Aku ;
AJL25|ana raffali|skinny's life|

ana raffali,
skinny's life
Saturday, January 8, 2011
Kalau Tak Ade Duit, Jangan Over Berangan ;
Huk huk huk! Batuk kejap aku nie haa. Makan hati weyh. Sebab ape? Sebab camtuh lah abang aku cakap dengan aku. Kalau tak ade duit, jangan terlebih berangan! Bengang giler aku.
Haha. Al-kisah, aku minta handset baru kat abang aku. Because handset aku dah teruk sangat dah, sampai kena ikat ikat dengan getahh koooo. Bapak buruk kann. Kesian tak? Sampai aku nak sms-ing, kena sorok sorok. Malu weyh. Kalau nak sms-ing or call-ing tuh, rasa cam nak masuk dalam beg je. Tak mo orang nampak betapa buruk nye handset aku tuh. Haha.
Woo. Woo. Jadi bahan ooo nanti, kalau mangkuk mangkuk hayun nie nampak handset aku. Haha. Bahan bukan sikit sikit, jenis yang kaw kaw nye aku kena nanti. LOL!
So nak jadi citer kan, abang aku tanye aku nak tukar handset pe. Heeeeeeeeeeeeee. Dengan slumber aku cakap, aku nak yang iniiiiiiiiiiiiiii ;
Nak keje part-time ahh cmni. Sebab tuh, aku tak suke minta minta orang, nanti aku gak sakit ati. Sebab aku jenis demand lebih. Haha. Kalau aku minta tuh, memang demand habis. LOL!
Sementara waktu, bermimpi lah macam dah tukar blackberry ataupun iPhone 4! Jom tido,
Okie, thanks, bye.
Regards ♥,
Haha. Al-kisah, aku minta handset baru kat abang aku. Because handset aku dah teruk sangat dah, sampai kena ikat ikat dengan getahh koooo. Bapak buruk kann. Kesian tak? Sampai aku nak sms-ing, kena sorok sorok. Malu weyh. Kalau nak sms-ing or call-ing tuh, rasa cam nak masuk dalam beg je. Tak mo orang nampak betapa buruk nye handset aku tuh. Haha.
Woo. Woo. Jadi bahan ooo nanti, kalau mangkuk mangkuk hayun nie nampak handset aku. Haha. Bahan bukan sikit sikit, jenis yang kaw kaw nye aku kena nanti. LOL!
So nak jadi citer kan, abang aku tanye aku nak tukar handset pe. Heeeeeeeeeeeeee. Dengan slumber aku cakap, aku nak yang iniiiiiiiiiiiiiii ;
Sexy kan, red colors!
Tak pun yang iniiiiiiiiiiiii ;
Cool isn't ? Haha.
Malangnya kan, such a dream ahh kann. Abang aku tak nak belikan. Kalau setakat topup, dia leh consider lagi. Kalau full-payment by him, dia tak nak. Ceitttt, blah ahh kooo. Haha. Tak sayang adik ko langsung kannn. Takpe takpe. One day, aku dapat gak nanti. Cepat or lambat je! Bluekkk,
Dreamers do not always remember their dreams,
Nak keje part-time ahh cmni. Sebab tuh, aku tak suke minta minta orang, nanti aku gak sakit ati. Sebab aku jenis demand lebih. Haha. Kalau aku minta tuh, memang demand habis. LOL!
Sementara waktu, bermimpi lah macam dah tukar blackberry ataupun iPhone 4! Jom tido,
Okie, thanks, bye.
Regards ♥,
Posted by
Saturday, January 08, 2011
Kalau Tak Ade Duit, Jangan Over Berangan ;
blackberry|iphone4|my dreams|skinny's life|

my dreams,
skinny's life
Thursday, January 6, 2011
My Spirit Is Willing, But The Flesh Is Weak ;
Hey students, do you love assignment? Answer my Q honestly,
I don't like assignment. Really. Because I am too lazy ( Very, very, very lazy ), weak and busy to actually do them ( Ceit! Busy ape ntah kan! ). Eventho the assignments are a good things for me and us as a student. Tapi bapak malas nak buat kan. Rather than assignment, better aku buat keje yang tade faedah. LOL! But truly thats we call student. Always busy with non-college stuff.
Pergi tengok wayang, karoks, lepak-ing, dating, ade pulak kan masa. Rajin pulak nak buat. Bile tang assignment, malas kemain. Then bile dah nearly ngan dateline, baru ahh sibuk sibuk nak buat. Ade pulak salah kan member, sebab tak ingatkan pasal assignment. Huh! Dasat kann.
Typical student.
Okie, esok aku ade 3 assignment kena submit. Tapi satu pun tak buat lagi. Rasenye blogging lagi syok dari buat assignment kot sekarang. Haha. Malasss nye akuuuuu. Sungguhh! Lagi hari nie macam sejuk kemain, macam sedapnye tido dari siapkan assignment. Dugaan betol lah.
I don't like assignment. Really. Because I am too lazy ( Very, very, very lazy ), weak and busy to actually do them ( Ceit! Busy ape ntah kan! ). Eventho the assignments are a good things for me and us as a student. Tapi bapak malas nak buat kan. Rather than assignment, better aku buat keje yang tade faedah. LOL! But truly thats we call student. Always busy with non-college stuff.
Pergi tengok wayang, karoks, lepak-ing, dating, ade pulak kan masa. Rajin pulak nak buat. Bile tang assignment, malas kemain. Then bile dah nearly ngan dateline, baru ahh sibuk sibuk nak buat. Ade pulak salah kan member, sebab tak ingatkan pasal assignment. Huh! Dasat kann.
Typical student.
Okie, esok aku ade 3 assignment kena submit. Tapi satu pun tak buat lagi. Rasenye blogging lagi syok dari buat assignment kot sekarang. Haha. Malasss nye akuuuuu. Sungguhh! Lagi hari nie macam sejuk kemain, macam sedapnye tido dari siapkan assignment. Dugaan betol lah.
To-do-assignment-list ;
-basic entrepeneurship
-engineer society
-math engineering
Regard ♥
Posted by
Thursday, January 06, 2011
My Spirit Is Willing, But The Flesh Is Weak ;
assignment|skinny's life|student's life|

skinny's life,
student's life
Tuesday, January 4, 2011
Ketebalan Muka ;
Hallu halluuuuu everyone,
Traumarama. Sigh!
Last night's story. What happened? Haha. Something embarassing, but still enjoy and happy for us. Yang tak boleh blah, ketebalan muke masing masing sampai sekarang terase okie. Ye, sampai sekarang aku dok ingat ingat lagi, dari mula sampai the end of drama. Should I calll it as drama? Maybe, tapi memang drama abes. Muahaha. Malu seyhhhhhhhh,
By the way, dah tengok The Tourist? I done with it. And ♥ it so much eventho cam lembap sikit the story. But still, okie lah. Because Anjie so gorgeous babe. I wish her beauty would be mine. Only wishhh. LOL! Would be possible, if I make plastic surgery like Alexander Pearce did in the story. Style rambut Johhny Depp dalam The Tourist turn me off to him. Totally! Haha. Sorrrrry Annnnnnnn. :P
Traumarama. Sigh!
Last night's story. What happened? Haha. Something embarassing, but still enjoy and happy for us. Yang tak boleh blah, ketebalan muke masing masing sampai sekarang terase okie. Ye, sampai sekarang aku dok ingat ingat lagi, dari mula sampai the end of drama. Should I calll it as drama? Maybe, tapi memang drama abes. Muahaha. Malu seyhhhhhhhh,
Ann and Farah, ingat sampai anak cucu ye ape yang terjadi malam tadi. To Farah, next time jangan nervous sangat. Sampai lupe semua benda. LOL! Btw, ♥ both of youuuu muchh. Hmmm. Tak perlu lah aku bukak citer pe yang jadi ye. Hanya orang tertentu je tahu ape jadi malam tadi. Disaster kot. Hahaha. Sampai sekarang pun aku dok gelak gelak lagi. Hahahahaha. :))))))
By the way, dah tengok The Tourist? I done with it. And ♥ it so much eventho cam lembap sikit the story. But still, okie lah. Because Anjie so gorgeous babe. I wish her beauty would be mine. Only wishhh. LOL! Would be possible, if I make plastic surgery like Alexander Pearce did in the story. Style rambut Johhny Depp dalam The Tourist turn me off to him. Totally! Haha. Sorrrrry Annnnnnnn. :P
Regards ♥,
Posted by
Tuesday, January 04, 2011
Ketebalan Muka ;
skinny's life|the tourist|traumarama|

skinny's life,
the tourist,
Sunday, January 2, 2011
Sunday - Blur Day ;
Selamat petang, my baby blogger! Happy Sunday you, but I'm not in Sunday-mood.
WARNING : Entry ini tiada arah tujuan!!!
Awal-awal dah bagi warning okie. It's like not-worth entry to read. I'm just don't know what to do. That's why aku merapu meraban kat sini.
Ini lah akibatnye, bangun tengahari bute kan. Matahari dah tinggi baru nak celik mata. Then, boleh pulak nak sambung tidur balik. Boleh lagi nak tarik comforter tengahari bute. Huh, kau ado? Selagi akak aku x bising, selagi tuh aku x bangun. Come on lah weyh, it's weekend. Not weekday! Time nie lah nak bangun selambat mungkin.
I am not typical girl okay. Yang jenis bangun pagi, prepare breakfast, and all kind the typical girl do. Okie, kalau ade boys yang bace nie totally he turns off. Rejected lah cenggituh. Haha. It's okayyy. I'm cool with that. No worries.Ade aku kesah? T_____T.
Orang cakap kalau bangun lambat lambat, rezeki susah masuk. Kan? Tapi alhamdullilah for me. My brother gave me a money pocket for me just now. Rezeki weyh! Jangan ditolakkkk. Terus rase tak nak tidor dah. Celik terus mata aku.
Still I'm blur until now. Asyik asyik facebook, facebook. Padehal takde ape pun kat facebook tuh, still jugak nak online. Actually ade plan nak kuar, tapi tak sure lagi pukul berape. Bosan kannn. Nak youtube pun, giler lembap berukband nie kan. Terhegeh hegeh! Nyampah aku.
Hmmm. Tetibe rase cam nak terkinja macam nie. Haha. See, I tell you. I'm blur. Entah pape je aku nie. Screwed up!
WARNING : Entry ini tiada arah tujuan!!!
Awal-awal dah bagi warning okie. It's like not-worth entry to read. I'm just don't know what to do. That's why aku merapu meraban kat sini.
Ini lah akibatnye, bangun tengahari bute kan. Matahari dah tinggi baru nak celik mata. Then, boleh pulak nak sambung tidur balik. Boleh lagi nak tarik comforter tengahari bute. Huh, kau ado? Selagi akak aku x bising, selagi tuh aku x bangun. Come on lah weyh, it's weekend. Not weekday! Time nie lah nak bangun selambat mungkin.
I am not typical girl okay. Yang jenis bangun pagi, prepare breakfast, and all kind the typical girl do. Okie, kalau ade boys yang bace nie totally he turns off. Rejected lah cenggituh. Haha. It's okayyy. I'm cool with that. No worries.Ade aku kesah? T_____T.
Orang cakap kalau bangun lambat lambat, rezeki susah masuk. Kan? Tapi alhamdullilah for me. My brother gave me a money pocket for me just now. Rezeki weyh! Jangan ditolakkkk. Terus rase tak nak tidor dah. Celik terus mata aku.
Still I'm blur until now. Asyik asyik facebook, facebook. Padehal takde ape pun kat facebook tuh, still jugak nak online. Actually ade plan nak kuar, tapi tak sure lagi pukul berape. Bosan kannn. Nak youtube pun, giler lembap berukband nie kan. Terhegeh hegeh! Nyampah aku.
Hmmm. Tetibe rase cam nak terkinja macam nie. Haha. See, I tell you. I'm blur. Entah pape je aku nie. Screwed up!
No where to go,
Regards ♥
Posted by
Sunday, January 02, 2011
Sunday - Blur Day ;
my expression|skinny'life|sunday mood|

my expression,
sunday mood
Saturday, January 1, 2011
First Entry On 1-January-2011, I Am Super Duper Excited ;
Welcome new resolution, peeps!
Today is Saturday, 1-January-2011! First day of this year evahhhh. Start with how's your celebration? For sure it was so awesome. Guaranteed 100%! And for this year, I not going anywhere for celebration. Because I don't have enough penny in my pocket. So better I just stay at home. Pretty sad on me, right? Doesn't matter. I don't mind.
Seriously, now I am excited. Because of why? Because of today is first day of 2011. That's all. Simple. Super duper excited. Haha. Sawan 2011, I guess. Even more, I am turn to 24 years old this year. I don't care. My age is just a number. Plus I don't feel like I am 24 years old yet. Wait until June for my official 24. LOL!
Grown up! Everythings need grown up this year. Mentallity and physically. Seriously, I want to smile with everyone. Even with unknown people. I just want to change my bad habit to good ones. I do admit that I dislike to smile and talk anyone who that I do not know who are you. This is kind of me! And for this year, I don't want to be like that. SMILE EVERYTIME & ANYWHERE! *Senyum seindah suria, yang membawa cahaya. Remember that song?
Someone had been told me that I am always cried when I am with. Hmm. For that, I hate crying now. I don't want cry like baby again. Maybe, tears are the best for me, not even cry anymore. More mature right? Tapi kalau dah name perempuan tuh, perempuan jugak! Mane boleh lari dari air-mata. Kannnn??? A bit control for that.
What else...
Time for spreading ♥ among of us. Don't be a hater! Is not good, make you getting older than you are. Be nice with people who really nice with us. Don't be a backstabber! What you will get if you backstab someone? Nothing right. Is not worth it. Buat tambah musuh je, tak pasal pasal je kan.
I need new wardrobe for this year. I wish I have a lot of money, by this time I can go shopping. I think for this year, I have to learn how to manage my money. Try to save a little money. Hopefully, I can do well on this part. But now, I want to go shopping. Want it so badly.
Today is Saturday, 1-January-2011! First day of this year evahhhh. Start with how's your celebration? For sure it was so awesome. Guaranteed 100%! And for this year, I not going anywhere for celebration. Because I don't have enough penny in my pocket. So better I just stay at home. Pretty sad on me, right? Doesn't matter. I don't mind.
Seriously, now I am excited. Because of why? Because of today is first day of 2011. That's all. Simple. Super duper excited. Haha. Sawan 2011, I guess. Even more, I am turn to 24 years old this year. I don't care. My age is just a number. Plus I don't feel like I am 24 years old yet. Wait until June for my official 24. LOL!
Grown up! Everythings need grown up this year. Mentallity and physically. Seriously, I want to smile with everyone. Even with unknown people. I just want to change my bad habit to good ones. I do admit that I dislike to smile and talk anyone who that I do not know who are you. This is kind of me! And for this year, I don't want to be like that. SMILE EVERYTIME & ANYWHERE! *Senyum seindah suria, yang membawa cahaya. Remember that song?
Someone had been told me that I am always cried when I am with. Hmm. For that, I hate crying now. I don't want cry like baby again. Maybe, tears are the best for me, not even cry anymore. More mature right? Tapi kalau dah name perempuan tuh, perempuan jugak! Mane boleh lari dari air-mata. Kannnn??? A bit control for that.
What else...
Time for spreading ♥ among of us. Don't be a hater! Is not good, make you getting older than you are. Be nice with people who really nice with us. Don't be a backstabber! What you will get if you backstab someone? Nothing right. Is not worth it. Buat tambah musuh je, tak pasal pasal je kan.
I need new wardrobe for this year. I wish I have a lot of money, by this time I can go shopping. I think for this year, I have to learn how to manage my money. Try to save a little money. Hopefully, I can do well on this part. But now, I want to go shopping. Want it so badly.
Last word, hye-hye 2011. A year full of joy, happiness, prosperity, love, peace of serenity. Smile, =)
Regards of me,
Posted by
Saturday, January 01, 2011
First Entry On 1-January-2011, I Am Super Duper Excited ;
2011|my expression|skinny's life|

my expression,
skinny's life
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